Bookends (Part 1) is the first chapter and cutscene chapter of Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood. It starts a series of chapter where Hartsock talk about his experience and thoughts in his Normandy campaign.
Newly promoted Sergeant Hartsock sits down for a cup of coffee with Col. SLA Marshall to recount his trip through Normandy.
It takes place 15 days after D-Day and the Allies have captured the Cotentin Peninsula. At the outskirts of liberated Cherbourg, Red went to Colonel Marshall who is conducting an interviews with soldiers experienced the time of the D-Day. Red recalls his first day of the invasion and talks about Muzza's death before he talks about the night when he landed on Normandy and his experience.
- Colonel S.L.A. Marshall
- Staff Sergeant Gregory Hassay
- Sergeant Matthew Baker (does not speak)
- Corporal/Sergeant Joseph Hartsock
- Corporal Samuel Corrion (does not speak)
- Private First Class Kevin Leggett (does not speak)
- Private Larry Allen
- Private Michael Desola (does not speak)
- Private Michael Garnett
- Private David Muzza (Flashback,KIA)
- Main article: Bookends (Part 1)/Transcript
S.L.A. Marshall Biography - Any Difficulty[]

Samuel Lyman Atwood Marshall was a soldier, war correspondent, historian and military theorist. He observed, studied and recorded the actions of combat in some of the most dramatic conflicts of the 20th Century.

S.L.A. Marshall, or SLAM as he was called by his close friends, live a lifetime that spanned four of America's wartime period: World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam.

Marshall participated, to some degree, in each of these wars. He wrote extensively about combat at the tactical level. He published thirty books and numerous papers and articles
This book belongs to:
Lieut Col. S.L.A. Marshall, Inf. History Branch, G-2, WD6S Washington, D.C.
and should be returned to:
Lieut. Col. S.L.A. Marshall, Inf. H.Q.ETOUSA, United States Army.
This narrative was begun on 11 July 1944 and the last work was done on 29 July, at which time the HO began work on 82nd's operation. The narrative is not complete. As much was done as was possible in the time available, the HO getting no assistance in the work. The notes do cover, in main, the principal operations of the parachute regiments, including the drop and assembly details of most of the chief elements. Other groups were passed up. So too was the work in detail of the glider units, engineers, artillery, medical corps, and others. There is nothing here about planning and preparation. The reasons are obvious. Some of this material may be recovered later on.
With the support of General Taylor and with the unreserved help, and even the enthusiasm of his unit commanders, we undertook these researches principally to find out what happens to parachute battalions in the course of collecting for battle. The Battalion Commanders themselves wanted to know.
At the conclusion of two weeks of this work, it seemed perfectly clear that there is more to be learned in small unit action from the study of a parachute battalion during any 72 hrs than from an average line battalion in a month of fighting.

Marshall's writings are largely based on group After Action Reviews he conducted shortly after a battle. Marshall would assemble a squad, platoon or company and chronologically trace the military action that the participants had experienced.

Marshall wrote extensively about the 101st Airborne Division during World War II and interviewed many of the paratroopers and soldiers on both sides of the battles for Normandy, Holland, the Battle of the Bulge and the Battle for Germany.

S.L.A. Marshall as he was (left), and S.L.A. Marshall as he is recreated in Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood (right).
Ghost Recon Three Game Trailer[]
Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood Extras - Ghost Recon 3 Game Trailer
Blazing Angels Game Trailer[]
Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood Extras - Blazing Angels Game Trailer
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- The soldier positions in the plane during the chapter Rendezvous with Destiny except that Red is switch with Leggett to see the situation after the plane was hit by a flak.