Brothers in Arms Wiki

Brothers in Arms 3: Sons of War is a World War II video game released in 2014. It was developed by Gearbox Software, and published by Gameloft for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. The game is possibly a sequel to Brothers in Arms: Hour of Heroes and Brothers in Arms 2: Global Front who are also set during World War II. The game was announced at E3 2013, and was unveiled as a cross- over of a cover based shooter, and an on rails shooter. It was revealed that the game will be on apple devices and iOS.


Chapter 1: Cruelly, Normandy, France[]

Brothers in Arms 3: Sons of War, just like the previous games, is set during World War II, this time in Normandy, 1944. The game begins with the protagonist, Sergeant Cole Wright, starting a diary of what he experienced in the war. His squad was tasked to assault a forest village located in France, to obtain enemy documents from an occupied manor. While they were able to find the files, one of Wright's brothers, Jacob Hall, was killed by an enemy sniper while escaping the area. Later in the game, Jacob is unusable and his icon shows that he is KIA.

Chapter 2: Audrieu, Normandy, France[]

A month following the events of Jacob's death, Wright was sent on a rescue mission, to find Rachelle Dubois, known as "L'Hirondelle", a French Resistance fighter, from enemy forces. With assistance of his squad, Wright was able to rescue Rachelle and her team. During their time together, the two fell in love with each other.

Chapter 3: Monte Cassino, Italy[]

Wright then recalls being a part of the assault on Monte Cassino, Italy, back in January. His team was sent in to recover what's left of the failed initial strike team, and complete the mission themselves. In addition, they were tasked to find and eliminate General Karl Herst, the leader of the forces in the area. During the mission, Cole had rescued Cain Lawrence, a member of the original team, but failed to save the others. As the attack went on, Wright had spotted Herst, and tried to pursue, but failed to take out the General. After the rescue of "L'Hirondelle", Wright's squad was ordered to stop an enemy convoy of reinforcements from reaching Falaise, France. Cole's squad disrupts their communications, and diverted the enemy convoy to an ambush point. Wright and his squad was successful in their attack, stopping the convoy from reaching the city.

Chapter 4: Falaise, France[]

A few days earlier, Sergeant Wright's squad ordered to infiltrate a Gestapo building in Paris to find information on POW camps for future rescue missions. However, the squad did not find anything, and were forced to retreat from enemy reinforcements. The mission was not a total loss, as they had located and captured General Alder, in order to get the information. Months later, Major Bastion, Wright's Commanding Officer, had told him that Sam Foster, a fellow soldier that rescued him from captivity in 1942, was actually a mole. At first, Wright struggles with the order, because when he was ambushed, it was Foster who had rescued Cole. His squad was sent to Belgium, and tracked him down. After seeing what he had become, Cole eventually killed Foster, and did not feel any regret for killing him, despite their past.

Chapter 7: Trier, Germany[]

In February, 1945, months after, Sergeant Wright was sent to Trier, Germany to stop a German "Vengeance-Weapon" Program, from inflicting civilian casualties. His squad assaulted the facility, and successfully destroyed the weapons, preventing them from being used.

Chapter 8: Aalborg, Denmark[]

The following month, Bastion had finally tracked down General Herst, the same general that eluded Wright in Monte Cassino. Herst was found heading for Aalborg, Denmark, to a German outpost and bunker. However, Wright and his squad was able to ambush his convoy. Herst however fled to the bunker, but bombers had bombarded it, causing it to fall apart. Wright, not wanting him to escape again, chases in after him. Cole had shot Karl Herst, as he tried to escape the exploding bunker. Outside the bunker, Wright kills the General. However, during his chase, Wright had also sustained wounds, and dies shortly after.


For a more detailed description of the characters, visit Cole's Squad

Main Characters[]

  • Sergeant Cole Wright, the main protagonist and sergeant of his squad. Cole leads his squad throughout the chapters until his death in Chapter 8, "Endgame".
  • Rachelle "L'Hirondelle" Dubois, Cole's love interest and a French Resistance leader.
  • Jacob Hall, a private within Cole's squad; he serves as a radioman till his death. Jacob uses the M1 Grand as his default weapon.
  • James Gann, a sniper within Cole's squad; James is able to eliminate any target within a single shot. James uses the M1903 Scoped as his default weapon.
  • Dean Miller, the gun carrier of Cole's squad; he can deploys a machine gun to eliminate all visible enemies. Dean uses a M1941 LMG as his default weapon.
  • Cain Lawrence, the Molotov Cocktail balancer; he can throws a Molotov cocktail at the target. Cain uses a Cuter 16 as his default weapon. Lawrence is first encountered in Chapter 3, "Monte Cassino" as a hostage.
  • Larry Jackson, the rocket launcher; he can fires a rocket that detonates within a short radius. Larry uses a Cuter 16 as his default weapon.
  • Barnaby Adams, the radioman in Cole's squad; he can request an air strike that detonate 5 bombs after a short delay. Adams uses a M1 Grand as his default weapon. Adams is first encountered in Chapter 4, "Clean Up".
  • Major Bastion, He is Cole's superior, who gives orders to Cole and his squad and is frequently seen at the start of missions laying out instructions for Cole and his squad.
  • Lawrence Dailey, after Cole's death he is the new main character and the new playable character from Chapter 9.
  • Karl Herst, He is a Nazi general and the main antagonist of the game. Herst is first encountered in Chapter 3, "General Herst" and killed by Wright in Chapter 9, "Endgame"

Special Characters[]

  • David Carter, another sniper within Cole's squad; David uses the G43 Prototype, which panics enemies and temporarily makes them unable to sound an alarm when killed by him and to drop a eagle upon an enemy's death (when upgraded). David also appears as a side-character and background character within the campaign and must be unlocked as a event reward.
  • Andrew Mohawks, a mine setter; he deploys ground explosives that will damage enemies. Andrew uses a M1 Grand as his default weapon. He does not appear in the main campaign and must be unlocked as a event reward.
  • Mathieu Chaput, another sniper within Cole's squad; he uses a crossbow instead of a sniper rifle, which panics enemies and temporarily makes them unable to sound an alarm when killed by him. (when upgraded). Mathieu also appears in the main campaign and must be unlocked as a event reward.
  • Neil Yates, a pilot and radioman; he can strikes a target with mortar fire. Neil does not appear in the main campaign and must be unlocked as an event reward.
  • Francis Barker, a radioman; he can orders 4 cannon shots directed at the target. Francis does not appear in the main campaign and must be unlocked as an event reward.
  • Jonathan Millard, a medic; he can restore a percentage of your health each second. Jonathan does not appear in the main campaign and must unlocked as an event reward.
  • Sam Foster, formerly a US soldier, he is turned by the Nazis when he was briefly captured. Foster is the main subject of the first two missions for Chapter 6 and ultimately dies during the second mission, "Sam Foster".
  • General Adler, He is another Nazi general who is captured by Cole's squad in Paris.


Hostile Nazi German forces have diverse archetype of troops, and all wear different camouflage according to where the battlefield is.

  • Rifleman, they are most common Nazis. They are armed with Kar98 rifle and easily be taken care of. During the first and second chapters, they wear a grey uniform and helmet. Beyond that, they will wear a blue uniform along with more gear.
  • Submachine gunners, they are the next common Nazis next to rifleman. They are armed with MP40 SMG and they are not tough enemies either. They have goggles on helmet.
  • Grenadiers, they are German troops with Stg43 assault rifle. Grenadiers have the ability to throw grenades once a bar above them completely fills, they will prematurely throw grenades when attacked too. If they are killed while in the process of throwing a grenade, the grenade will explode once the bar reaches its limit. Grenades thrown by Grenadiers can also be returned if you are taking cover if you react fast enough, however if you are not taking cover, the grenade will instantly explode. They do not wear helmets.
  • Marksman, they are German troops with Gew43 Prototype Sniper rifle. Marksman have the ability to throw Molotov Cocktails once a bar that appears above their head completely fills. Unlike Grenadiers, they will not prematurely throw the Molotovs when attacked. If they are killed while in the process of throwing a Molotov, the Molotov will explode around the Marksman's dead body. Marksman wear gasmasks.
  • Rocketeer, they are German troops with Panzerfaust rocket launcher. Rocketeers will fire missiles instead of regular bullets after filling a bar that appears above their heads. Rocketeers will instantly die if they are shot at their bags where their missiles are located. Rocketeers wear a green-camo uniform along with a cap and a bag of missiles behind them, Chapter 5 and beyond, they will wear goggles too.
  • Machine Gunner, they are German troops with MG42. If the meter fills, they will spray fire upon player. They may just stand there to fire, or from cover behind. They wear tan camouflage uniform and bullet belt.
  • Snipers, they are German snipers with G43 Prototype. Unlike Marksman, they will take time to fill the meter before firing, but they will deal greater damage than them. They are taller than other German troops.
  • AA gunners, they are German troops with Stg43 assault rifle. They usually man AA guns, and if they got shot, they stop manning the gun and start to shoot back at player. However, if they are undamaged they do nothing so they are vulnerable to player's knife kill. They look essentially the same with Heavy Gunners.
  • Armored troops, they are heavily armored troops of German Armed Forces. They are wielded either flamethrower or MG42 heavy machine gun. They would walk toward player and spray fire the weapon. With their heavy armor, they can withstand powerful anti-tank rifle fire for the first shot.
  • Machine Gunners Nest, they are German troops with a M4G2, however they are in a fixed position around the map and behind a reinforced shield that protects them from incoming fire. It does not protect them from Flamethrowers, Grenades, Molotov Cocktails. Rocket Launchers or Airstrikes however. There appearance are the same as regular Heavy Gunners.
  • General Herst, during the mission "General Herst", he will be a hostile NPC uses a G43 Prototype and has the same mechanics as a sniper, he also calls in an airstrike during Chapter 8.
  • Sam Foster, he wields a STG 44 and is able to throw grenades. He also uses a MG Nest, airstrikes and a tank.


Weapons will be listed with their in-game name then their real name if it uses a fictional name:

Submachine guns:[]

  • Sten
  • Cutter 16 (Thompson M1A1)
  • MP 40
  • PPSH 41
  • Golden MP40
  • Bechowiec Mk2 (Fictional successor to the Bechowiec-1, while an IRL mk2 Bechowiec existed, little is known about it so the in-game design is probably fictional.)


  • M1 Garand
  • Kar 98K
  • SVT 40
  • Johnson M1941
  • Golden Johnson m1941


  • Old M1941 LMG (Johnson in LMG configuration.)
  • M1941 LMG (Johnson in LMG configuration.)
  • FG 42
  • STG 44
  • Cutter 45 (M1928 Thompson)
  • Bren
  • AK47
  • "Jade Claw" (AK47 with Emerald Green skin.)
  • The Guillotine (Lewis Gun.)
  • Golden Bren
  • MG 42


  • Crossbow
  • G 43 Prototype
  • Mosin Nagant
  • Fer-De-Lance (Lee Enfield)
  • Golden Mosin Nagant
  • Dragunov
  • Shotgun
  • M30 Luftwaffe
  • Ridge-43 (Ithaca M37)
  • Steele (Winchester Model 1897 'Trench Gun')


  • Degtyaryov (PTRD-41 "Model 10-279")
  • Vladimorov (PTR Vladimirov M1939)
  • PTRS-41


All of the experimental weapons are highly fictional though some have basis in real world weapons.

  • Hammerfall
  • Zmey 22
  • Derwent
  • Hailstorm
  • Thunderstrike (fictionalized PTRD)
  • Chronaya Molniya (Fictional Sniper STG44 with a mix of PSG1/Dragunov design.)
  • Sucker Punch (Fictional Short barrel Winchester.)
  • Kapetan (Mag-fed M60)
  • Mersey
  • Prazis (Fictionalized MP40)
  • HexGewher (Fictionalized Mosin Nagant with Elements of the M3 Carbine.)
  • TP 45 (Fictionalized FG42 with 3 barrels.)


  • Medkit
  • Bazooka
  • Throwing Knifes
  • Grenades
  • Flamethrower (VIP Pass only)
  • Molotovs
  • Gas Mask
  • Mines (MP Only)


  • Sons of War is the first game in the series to feature highly fictional weapons.
  • The sniper who kills Jacob Hall is not an actual in-game sniper, its a Rifleman with a backpack.
  • Jacob hall and Barnaby Adams are the only characters in the game that have the same abilities.

