Brothers in Arms Journal is a Penny Arcade comic about a Journal written & drawn by Pvt. Johnny Rivas.
It starts with Rivas before the Normandy invasion on D-1 where he wrote like his diary about his time in the 101st Airborne and Baker's squad. He decide to bring some pencils for his journal in the Normandy invasion.
Later, his plane along with his squad was shot down and everybody have to parachute down to Normandy. He found McCreary on the bottom of his drop and together they survive the night. They later found Obi and Zanovich and joined up the 82nd Airborne and fought the Germans together.
Rivas starts contemplating his life in the war and thought about his brother, Santana who died fighting in the Pacific theater. Although his team gets some sleep for the night, but Rivas heard the medics working hard to keep their men alive with some younger than him.
The team leaves the 82nd to try and find their own squad who is moving with the 101st. Zanovich jokes he wants to go sightseeing but Rivas knew he meant. Times when there was no war and wishes to back to their own squad.
On their way, they are ambushed by a mortar and he killed the whole German mortar crew alone with his rifle and bayonet, this gave him shock over the events and slight over his breaking point. They finally regroup with Baker's squad and feel ease with being back with his own mates. He also taught his journal value for remembering his own squad and the 101st Airborne as worthy, he ends with his team moving on.
- Sgt. Matthew Baker
- Private First Class Kevin Leggett
- Private First Class Stephan Obrieski
- Private First Class Thomas Zanovich
- Private Dale McCreary
- Private Johnny Rivas (Protagonist)
- Santana Rivas
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