Brothers in Arms Wiki

"I understand the large hearts of heroes, the courage of present times..."
— Leggett's Poem

Private First Class Kevin Benjamin M. Leggett was the radio operator for the 3rd Squad. As the squad radio operator, he always accompanies S/Sgt. Hassay. His death at Hill 30 haunted Baker throughout his time during Operation Market Garden.


Early life[]

Leggett was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. He joined the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division as a radio operator and was assigned to Fox Company's 3rd Platoon; "Fox-3". Leggett furthered his usefulness in Normandy with his ability to speak French.

When Leggett was a child, his dad read him a poem. "I understand the large hearts of heroes, the courage of present times... It amazes me that something so beautiful could be a part of something so ugly."

Normandy Invasion[]

He participated the Normandy invasion as part of 3rd Squad. He parachutes off to Normandy to be temporarily attached with Robert Cole. He soon meets up with Baker and Mac and helped Cole by talking to the French woman with his French to discover their location. Since then, he is attached to Mac since he is the only radioman in the platoon for the whole campaign.

On 9 June, Mac sent Leggett with Allen & Garnett to flank the farm in the mission 'Buying the Farm' This proved to be a fatal mistake as Allen and Leggett were rivals and their rivalry caused an argument that led to both Allen and Garnett's deaths, which traumatized Leggett. Since then, he is blamed for not saving them by the rest of the squad. Baker forced Leggett to keep his role in causing Allen and Garnett's deaths a secret since it might cause his squadmates to kill him. Only Corrion, Mac and Baker didn't blame Leggett while the rest of the surviving squad blamed him for their friends' deaths. Leggett since then kept quiet for the whole campaign unless he needed to talk in battle. He still follows Mac around to also distance from his hateful squadmates.



—Kevin Leggett before his death and last words.

On June 13, the 3rd Platoon was ordered to help the 506th PIR hold and defend the position outside of Carentan known as Hill 30 to prevent a German counter-attack from taking the town. During the battle, the radio was damaged, stopping any incoming messages from being heard. His call for tank support had been heard, though Leggett would not survive long enough to know.

Because of the events that happened with Allen and Garnett, Leggett lost his mind. He drew a M1911 (known by the platoon as the "Death Pistol") and fired at a German tank, screaming, "You want Me?! Fucking take me! Take me!". The tank fired at Leggett and blew him away, partially exposing his intestines and wounding his face.


His death meant he took the secret of Allen and Garnett's death to the grave. Baker still feels guilt and sees visions of him because he blamed himself for causing Leggetts death by forcing him too keep a secret that broke him. It haunts him during Operation Market Garden and sees hallucinations of Leggett many times like in the Eindhoven hospital where he saw his ghost and heard his voice.

Despite most of the squad hating Leggett for their friends death, Hartsock is able to forgive Leggett and credited him for calling in the tank reinforcement on Hill 30.

Before Leggett had died, he told a secret to a random paratrooper about Allen and Garnett's death. Little did he know, the soldier, Dawson would joined Baker's squad and force him to tell the truth.


Leggett is a shy and nerdy character. He is usually on his own and people find him weird. An example of this is when Baker says that the first time he saw Legget was in the breakfast tent in England during training cutting a hard boiled egg into little pieces. He is also has an interest in literature and comics as he quoted a poem on the beach and discussed comic book characters with his rival, Allen. He is also always with Mac as Mac needs him to contact HQ and he is the only radioman. He is also caring to other soldiers as he wanted to save any survivors in a plane crash or when he tried to save a dying soldier in Hill 30.

However, his personality drastically shifted after Allen & Garnett's death and suffered survivors' guilt. He become weak and vulnerable to other men bullying him as the other men except Corrion, Baker and Mac in his squad hated Leggett for letting Allen & Garnett die. He become very quiet and suicidal as he didn't talk too much except during combat, a notable example of his suicidal character is the cutscene scene where Leggett screamed at the Panzer to kill him.

Despite being dead, Baker suffered hallucinations and guilt for feeling responsible for Leggett's death as he told Leggett to hold the secret. The personality of Leggett in Hell's Highway is the complete opposite of his personality in Road to Hill 30 and Earned in blood. He appears as a ghost and constantly tormenting Baker for Bakers past actions in Normandy and also during Operation Market Garden.

Game Appearances[]

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30[]

Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood[]

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway[]



  • Leggett is referred to as Pvt. "Kevin Leggett" in Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30, but in Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood he is called "Benjamin Leggett". Both names are mentioned again in Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway.
  • In RTH30, Leggett was the last squad member to die.
  • In RTH30, Leggett's first name was "Kevin", the developers changed it to "Benjamin" in EiB. Evidence of this is in both manuals of said games.
  • Leggett's "ghost" is seen throughout Hell's Highway.
  • Leggett appeared in the Hill 30 mission (Bloody Gulch) in EiB, when Joseph "Red" Hartsock led his squad out to flank the Germans, he radioed for help. However, Leggett was killed before Hartstock and his squad came back.
  • In Hell's Highway, his glasses seem to haunt Baker as seen when he picks up an old pair of glasses, and when he was blown into a nearby river by a Flak 88 round, Leggett's glasses drift by after that. This was a reference to his death.
  • He dies on the 13th of June. There are 13 soldiers in Baker's squad.
  • In Hell's Highway he gives the player a hint that a later Brothers in Arms game that sadly never happened would take place in Belgium during the "Battle of the Bulge", asking Baker if he can handle snow.
  • He is the only person who wears glasses in the game.
  • Leggett's birthday was on April 30, the day of the death of Adolf Hitler and the Fall of Saigon in Vietnam.
  • Leggett is not the only "ghost" that haunts Baker in Hell's Highway, (the others are Pvts. Allen and Garnett) but he appears in most missions.
  • Leggett is wearing the wrong type of uniform in Hell's Highway as he wore the standard uniform M43 seen in Holland instead the M42 Uniform that all Normandy paratroopers wore at the time of his death. This is an error by the developers.

