Brothers in Arms Wiki

"We arrived long after nightfall. By the time we arrived, L'Hirondelle's team had already fallen to the Germans. All that could be done was rescue the remaining soldiers."

—Cole Wright

L'Hirondelle is the final mission of Campaign 2. It marks the first and last physical appearance of Rachelle Dubois.


Following the events of Choke Point, the brothers finally made it to where L'Hirondelle and her team had been taken prisoner. The Germans have already been executing prisoners, and Cole exclaims that they don't have much time.

Cole, James, and an unnamed soldier get into position, and come across 3 Germans: one is dozing off, another one is tying something down, and the third one is readying one prisoner to be executed. Cole and James kill each of them, and Cole tends to the wounded prisoner. The prisoner is grateful, and tells Cole that he saved his life. Cole doesn't have time to dwell, so he continues on with his mission, and regroups with James, who had advanced ahead.

The two men take cover, where they see 3 armed Nazis near an alarm. Realizing that they couldn't finish them off without the rest of enemies being alerted via alarm, James spots some barrels. He then tells Cole to shoot the explosive barrels to distract the enemy. Cole does what he is asked, and James' plan works: the group of Nazis separate: 2 of them check what happened to the barrel, while the third one idles near the alarm. James snipes the 2 soldiers by the destroyed barrel, while Cole takes care of the one near the alarm. Satisfied with their success, James tells Cole to disarm the alarm.

Afte taking out 2 more Germans, Cole finds a supply crate, and finds a throwing knife. Not too far up ahead, is a house. In front of the home, a prisoner on the verge of being executed. 3 Nazis surround the soldier, and the prisoner has 15 seconds before is shot and killed. Cole manages to finish them off, and rescues the soldier. James tells Cole to check the house for supplies, and Cole finds another throwing knife.

After destroying another alarm, Cole and James near where L'Hirondelle is being held captive. 2 Nazis idle by a the last alarm, and James snipes them, before spotting Rachelle: "There she is!"

Cole and James see that 3 soldiers are about to execute her, and Cole finishes them off. After destroying the final alarm, he makes his way towards Rachelle. However, despite being rescued by him, her guard was still up. She points an accusatory finger at Cole, and demands to know who he was:

C: "L'Hirondelle?"

R: "Who is asking?"

C: "Sergeant Cole Wright, ma'am. Sent by Major Bastion. Let's get you outta here."

Campaign 2 then comes to a close.

