M1 Carbine is an American carbine used in WW2 and appear in Brothers in Arms. This carbine is used by assault teams in the games. It is well popular use by not just the army but also civilian use.
Although the US Army have the main issued rifle, M1 Garand, it had some problems with its weight and cumbersome to use by support troops (radiomen, medics etc.). Not only that, it also effect the soldiers mobility in the battle which results in unwanted accidents. German tactics of Blitzkrieg would made a request by the army to produce new rifle for the support troops.
The ideal rifle is featured to be more powerful and accurate than a handgun while half the weight of a Thompson and a M1 Rifle. The US Army decides that a carbine would suit their requirements but added the effective range must be 300 yards and weigh less than 5 pounds. Additionally, paratroopers would receive the carbines and a folding stock to be added.
Suggested Tactics in Gameplay[]
The Carbine is often part of the players two weapon load out in Brothers in Arms, especially in the early levels. The player starts with the Carbine in both Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 and Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood's first levels. The M1 Carbine is also used by members of the assault team due to its light weight, compact size and its modest firepower and rate of fire. M1A1 is also the choice of the supporting member of heavy weapon team. The version of the weapon most often seen in the game is the M1A1, which had a metal, folding stock rather than the wooden stock of the original M1 to make it more compact. The M1A1 was the standard issue Carbine to US paratroopers, though other weapons are also available to them.
Now, note that the unmodded game version of the Carbine is one of the weakest weapons of the game (due to balancing purposes). It has a modest rate of fire but is best suited to deal against conscripts and occasionally, Infanterie. Using this firearm against Panzergrenadiers or Fallschirmjager is not an advisable idea due to the inferior firepower of the weapon, and their MP 40s, StG 44s or even FG 42s will have the advantage in most combat scenarios. The good points of using the Carbine, however, include its low recoil and its useful iron sights. The fairly large 15 round magazine makes the M1 Carbine effective in suppression/covering fire and is very useful in close-quarters combat dealing with Kar 98 users. For the exposed enemies, you need at least 4 hits to bring them down. Remember, the Carbine was meant for non-combat roles, and was to be used as a back-up weapon or for persons whos jobs prevented them from using the M-1 service rifle, people like clerks, drivers, cooks, and officers in rearward positions. The M1A1 Carbine arrives in-game as the 'US M1 Carbine Rifle' In early games the ammo can be used up quickly if not careful. The 75 rounds in total looks generous for a rifle, but due to its characteristics, killing an enemy often means a magazine or two gone. This is especially true in the first Brothers in arms, which resupply is rare, in EiB however, you can get some magazine from your teammate if you run short. Once you are out and if you cannot request ammo, get a German weapon is a good idea.
In Hell's Highway, the M1A1 Carbine is more unrealistic, since if aimed well, a headshot is very likely for a skilled player. It is much more accurate than its old counterparts and will kill an enemy in 1-2 shots, like the M1 Garand. The effective range is slightly increased as well. Headshots are more likely to result in an instant kill, and you don't really need to be resupplied if you mastered this weapon.
Characters who use it[]
- Sgt./SSgt. Matthew Baker (Playable)
- Cpl. Seamus Doyle
- Cpl.Joe "Red" Hartsock (Playable & NPC)
- Pfc. Timothy Connor
- Pfc. Jack Courtland
- Pfc. Mike Dawson
- Pvt./Pfc. Derrick McConnel
- Pvt./Pfc. Dale McCreary
- Pvt. David Muzza
- Pvt./Pfc.Dean "Friar" Winchell
- Pvt./Lt. Boyd